College of Extended Education and Global Engagement

The Studio School


Please use this form to register for The Studio School. After you submit this form, you will be directed to the online payment system, where you can pay your fees with a credit card (VISA, MC or Discover) or by electronic check.

Complete and submit this form for each child.

If you prefer to register and pay by phone, please call 707-826-3731.

Child Information

= Required field

Select child's gender identity:*

Has your child ever been enrolled at Cal Poly Humboldt?

Your child's date of birth is required so that Cal Poly Humboldt may identify records that are unique to the child.

Parent/Guardian Information

= Required field

Session Registration
Check the session(s) your child will attend.
Session 1: Ages 5-13 - Registration is closed.  

Sat., Feb. 8-March 8  •  9 a.m.-12 p.m., $185

Optional. Mon.-Fri., July 15-19, 8-9 a.m./3-5 p.m., $135
Session 2: Ages 5-13 FEE

Sat., March 29-April 26  •  9 a.m.-12 p.m., $185

Optional. Mon.-Fri., July 22-26, 8-9 a.m./3-5 p.m., $135
Session 3: Ages 5-13 FEE

Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m., $300

Optional. Mon.-Fri., July 29-Aug. 2, 8-9 a.m./3-5 p.m., $135

You will enter your payment information after submitting this form.
Submit the form

Please check the box to confirm you are a human before you submit this form.
You may also be required to verify one or more Recaptcha images. Thank you for helping us prevent spam.

Please review the above information for accuracy before submitting this registration form.

Once you submit the form successfully, you will be directed to the payment system.